Saturday, December 1, 2012

11SecondClub November!

11SC WellWhatNow Vimeo from Allen Ostergar on Vimeo.

Today is the last day to submit for the 11 second club, and this is as far as I got on it.  I've been busting my butt working on it in the last 48 hours to turn it in on time.  Last night, this thing kept me up all night because I would tell myself, "OK, I need to let the shot go and call it good for now because I need sleep and to work on other things." then I would respond, "I'm just going to fix this one thing that is bugging me with the neck at frame 142 etc..." Then hours would pass! So I'm trying to learn about how to embrace the fact that I'm still a beginner in animation, realize that my work isn't at a professional level, and to just do my best on a shot then move forward with hopes that I will do better with each animation I tackle.
I have been learning a lot each time I animate.  One thing I'm trying to figure out is workflow.  I find that again and again, I realize halfway through a shot that I'm kicking myself for not having spent enough time in the planning stages.  Shooting good reference and solidifying the "golden poses" early on is so important!
I came across a really awesome resource yesterday and I wish I had found it sooner.  Victor Nevone, an animator at Pixar has some really good notes on spline hygiene.  He also has an entry about how to go from blocking to splining in the graph editor, which, up to now, is a process I've been trying to figure it out on my own.  Thank you internet!  Check it out HERE.

I used to think 2D/hand-drawn animation was the best, but I'm definitely falling in love with CG more and more!

Thanks to my man John Herzog for camera and lights!

Critiques and feedback are welcome


  1. Atta boy Erstergerrrr!

    My only critique is his right hand. For some reason, I want his hand to do something at "let me tell you how it's gonna go down" instead of just hanging at his side. Maybe he could gesture at her or something...?

    1. Thanks wesley, I'm definitey going to start workin on those hands...

  2. I like your work amigo! Bien hecho!

  3. I love learning a teeny bit about the animation world from your posts. Did you think of the dialogue by yourself?

    1. The dialogue comes from the show "parks and rec" The website 11 second club assigned it for the month of november. 11 second club is a site that has a new soundclip every month and people animate something to it. At the end of the month, people submit their animations and vote for the best ones. It's pretty cool check it out!

  4. Man, that lighting is bad. Sorry, Allen. Didn't really do you any favors. You must've caught me in the middle of a hangover. The animation's nice, though...

    I've posted the ones that are lit better on my Vimeo account, in case you're interested.
